Each faculty member has a strong commitment to teaching excellence and to creating a learning environment rich in cultural exploration. They not only teach courses in language, literature and culture, but they also share from their own international experiences and areas of expertise. Our students learn to express ideas in a foreign language through speech, writing, and by critically reading a variety of texts. They will acquire an in-depth understanding and appreciation of other cultures.
Department of World Languages & Cultures
Administrative Faculty & Staff
Libby Murphy, Ph.D.
Professor of French and Chair, Department of World Languages and Cultures
Campus Box 046
Ph.D. French, Stanford University
M.A. French, University of Virginia
A.B. French, University of Georgia
Areas of Expertise
Research and interests: Modern French Literature and Cultural History; Visual and Popular Culture; Translation; The First World War; Digital Humanities
Languages Spoken: French
Regional Areas of Expertise: Metropolitan France
Favorite Part of WLC
"Getting to work with faculty, staff, and students who are as into languages and cultures as I am and from whom I learn something new (and cool) every single day."
Department Faculty
Juan Antonio (Tony) Alcarria, ABD
Senior Lecturer of Spanish and Italian
Campus Box 046
ABD. Advanced Hispanic Studies, Universidad de Valencia, Spain.
M.A. in Translation and Interpretation Studies, Universidad de Valencia, Spain.
M.A. in Linguistics, Universidad de Valencia, Spain.
M.A. in Education/Instructional Technology, Georgia College, USA.
M.A. in Teaching and Promotion of the Italian Language and Culture, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy.
G.C. (Graduate Certificate) Methodology and Pedagogy of Spanish as a Foreign Language, Universidad de Valencia, Spain.
B.A. in Philology (English/Italian/Spanish), Universidad de Valencia, Spain.
Areas of Expertise
Research interests: Second language acquisition and foreign language pedagogy, Computer assisted language teaching and learning, Development of language learners’ autonomy and lifelong learning, Teaching/learning language through Culture and (virtual) study abroad experiences, Multilingualism and multiculturalism
Languages Spoken: Spanish, Italian, English, Catalan, French, Dutch
Regional Areas of Expertise: Italy and Spain
Favorite Part of WLC
"My favorite place on campus is the Language Resource Center and the collaborative classroom (A&S 3-38) because they are spaces that lend themselves to create and bring cultural experiences into my classes. My students and I enjoy traveling to places/events of interest (cities, museums, celebrations,) and to experience them virtually."
Aurora Castillo-Scott, Ed.D.
Associate Professor of Spanish
Campus Box 046
Ed.D. Technology Education, West Virginia University
M.A. Secondary Education, West Virginia University
M.A. Spanish, West Virginia University
B.A. Education in Foreign Languages, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Colombia
Areas of Expertise
Research and interests: Instructional Technologies, Virtual Exchanges, Computer Assisted Language Learning, Second Language Acquisition, Role-playing Simulations
Languages Spoken: Spanish, English
Regional Areas of Expertise: Latin America, Colombia
Favorite Part of WLC
"My favorite part of WLC is to offer students the opportunity to increase their intercultural communication and intercultural knowledge through different virtual exchanges such as in-class Teletandem projects, Teletandem Club and TalkAbroad."
Aaron Castroverde, Ph. D.
Associate Professor of Spanish
Campus Box 046
Ph.D. Duke University
M.A. Middlebury College
B.A. University of Georgia
Areas of Expertise
Research: Continental Philosophy, Literary Theory, Concepts of World Literature, Spanish and Philippine Literature
Languages Spoken: English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Tagalog
Regional Areas of Expertise: Spain, Philippines
Favorite Part of WLC
"“Il n’y a pas de hors-texte” (“There is nothing outside the text”) – Jacques Derrida. All of my classes (from Spanish 1001 to 4000+) will explore profound the connection between language, literature, and thought. In other words, we will ask the question: how do we use language to interpret the world around us?"
David de Posada, Ph. D.
Professor of French and Spanish
Campus Box 046
Ph.D. French. (Minor: Spanish Peninsular Women Writers, and U.S. Latino Writers,) The Florida State University
D.E.A. (Postgraduate Diploma) Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France
M.S. Modern Language Education, Florida International University
B.A. French, Florida International University
Areas of Expertise
Research: French Renaissance Poetry, U.S. Latino Literature, Diaspora Studies, Critical Disability Theory
Languages Spoken: English, French, Spanish
Favorite Part of WLC
"As a department, we are always looking for ways to improve our curriculum to make it more relevant. I enjoy our consistent growth and development, our thematically innovative courses, and the curricular flexibility we are able to offer our students."
ABD. Literatures and Cultures (Spanish), Arizona State University
Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) Certificate, Arizona State University
MA. Foreign Languages and Cultures (Spanish), Washington State University
BAcc. Tecnológico Nacional de México Campus Chilpancingo (TecNM) (Formerly ITCH)
Areas of Expertise
Research and interests: Latin American Cinema, Food Studies, Postcolonial Theory, Film Theory, Women and Gender Studies, Chicano Studies, Computer-Assisted Language Learning Pedagogy, Second Language Acquisition.
Languages spoken: Spanish, English
Favorite Part of WLC
My favorite part of WLC is the welcoming environment professors and staff create and the genuine commitment we share in forming culturally competent global citizens. It is amazing to be part of an ongoing effort to make the best learning opportunities and resources available to our language students and the community. Our Language Resource Center located on the Arts and Sciences building (271) is a reflection of our commitment to innovating our practice and creating memorable language classes.
Hedwig (Hedy) Fraunhofer, Ph.D.
Professor of French and German
Campus Box 046
Ph.D. Comparative Literature, University of Oregon
M.A. Comparative Literature, University of Oregon
Staatsexamen für das Lehramt an Gymnasien (graduate degree), French Language, Literature and Linguistics; English Language, Literature and Linguistics, Universität Regensburg, Germany
Areas of Expertise
Research and teaching interests: New Materialist/Posthumanist Philosophy, the Climate Crisis/Ecocriticism, Theatre and Performance, Theories and History of Fascism and Sovereignty
Languages Spoken: English, French, German. Reading proficiency: Spanish, Italian
Regional Areas of Expertise: global/cosmic
Favorite Part of WLC
"My favorite course is currently a virtual exchange course (MGLG 4950) on the Climate Crisis that is co-taught (in English) with students and faculty from the University of Jena, Germany and is open not only to WLC majors and minors, but to GC students from all fields. Make new friends and travel to Germany this coming summer from the safety of your laptop!"
Daniel Holcombe, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Spanish
Campus Box 046
Ph.D. Spanish Literature, Arizona State University
M.A. Spanish, Arizona State University
B.A. Spanish, University of North Carolina at Asheville
Areas of Expertise
Research: Early Modern Spanish and Contemporary Latin American Literature, Cervantes, Book Illustration, Medical Interpretation and Translation
Languages Spoken: English, Spanish
Regional Areas of Expertise: Transatlantic: Spain, Latin America, and U.S.
Favorite Part of WLC
"My favorite aspect of Georgia College is how the liberal arts focus helps students establish diverse career paths. I particularly enjoy working with students to develop cultural competence and communicative skills."
Graduate Certificate in Translation, Georgia State University
M.A. Spanish Georgia State University
B.A. Spanish and French, Georgia College and State University
Areas of Expertise
Interests: Monastic Writings; Women's Cultural Production; History of Flamenco; Translation Studies; Latin American "Boom" novel
Languages: Spanish and French
Favorite Part of WLC
"The students."
Brantley Nicholson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Spanish and Latin American Studies
Campus Box 046
Ph.D. Spanish and Latin American Studies, Duke University
Areas of Expertise
Research: Globalization and Cosmopolitanism in Latin America, Theories of Economics and Aesthetics, Pan-American and Hemispheric Narrative
Languages Spoken: English and Spanish
Regional Areas of Expertise: Latin America, specific focus on Colombia and Chile
Favorite Part of WLC
"I am especially interested in taking students abroad and allowing them to apply what we learn in class to real world contexts. This includes job shadowing opportunities and developing their cultural knowledge through excursions and meetings with local guides and scholars."
- Figurative Language Acquisition of Spanish as L2
- Community-based Projects and Service Learning
- Spanish Historical Linguistics
- Semantics and Pragmatics
Emeritus Faculty
Larbi Oukada, Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor of French
- French Phonology
- Methods of teaching second languages
- The notion of curricular responsiveness
Peggy Schaller Elliott, Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor of French
Louis Bourne, Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor of Spanish

Libby Murphy, Ph.D.
Ph.D. French, Stanford University
M.A. French, University of Virginia
A.B. French, University of Georgia
Areas of Expertise
Research and interests: Modern French Literature and Cultural History; Visual and Popular Culture; Translation; The First World War; Digital Humanities
Languages Spoken: French
Regional Areas of Expertise: Metropolitan France
Favorite Part of WLC
"Getting to work with faculty, staff, and students who are as into languages and cultures as I am and from whom I learn something new (and cool) every single day."

Juan Antonio (Tony) Alcarria, ABD
ABD. Advanced Hispanic Studies, Universidad de Valencia, Spain.
M.A. in Translation and Interpretation Studies, Universidad de Valencia, Spain.
M.A. in Linguistics, Universidad de Valencia, Spain.
M.A. in Education/Instructional Technology, Georgia College, USA.
M.A. in Teaching and Promotion of the Italian Language and Culture, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy.
G.C. (Graduate Certificate) Methodology and Pedagogy of Spanish as a Foreign Language, Universidad de Valencia, Spain.
B.A. in Philology (English/Italian/Spanish), Universidad de Valencia, Spain.
Areas of Expertise
Research interests: Second language acquisition and foreign language pedagogy, Computer assisted language teaching and learning, Development of language learners’ autonomy and lifelong learning, Teaching/learning language through Culture and (virtual) study abroad experiences, Multilingualism and multiculturalism
Languages Spoken: Spanish, Italian, English, Catalan, French, Dutch
Regional Areas of Expertise: Italy and Spain
Favorite Part of WLC
"My favorite place on campus is the Language Resource Center and the collaborative classroom (A&S 3-38) because they are spaces that lend themselves to create and bring cultural experiences into my classes. My students and I enjoy traveling to places/events of interest (cities, museums, celebrations,) and to experience them virtually."

Aurora Castillo-Scott, Ed.D.
Ed.D. Technology Education, West Virginia University
M.A. Secondary Education, West Virginia University
M.A. Spanish, West Virginia University
B.A. Education in Foreign Languages, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Colombia
Areas of Expertise
Research and interests: Instructional Technologies, Virtual Exchanges, Computer Assisted Language Learning, Second Language Acquisition, Role-playing Simulations
Languages Spoken: Spanish, English
Regional Areas of Expertise: Latin America, Colombia
Favorite Part of WLC
"My favorite part of WLC is to offer students the opportunity to increase their intercultural communication and intercultural knowledge through different virtual exchanges such as in-class Teletandem projects, Teletandem Club and TalkAbroad."

Aaron Castroverde, Ph. D.
Ph.D. Duke University
M.A. Middlebury College
B.A. University of Georgia
Areas of Expertise
Research: Continental Philosophy, Literary Theory, Concepts of World Literature, Spanish and Philippine Literature
Languages Spoken: English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Tagalog
Regional Areas of Expertise: Spain, Philippines
Favorite Part of WLC
"“Il n’y a pas de hors-texte” (“There is nothing outside the text”) – Jacques Derrida. All of my classes (from Spanish 1001 to 4000+) will explore profound the connection between language, literature, and thought. In other words, we will ask the question: how do we use language to interpret the world around us?"

David de Posada, Ph. D.
Ph.D. French. (Minor: Spanish Peninsular Women Writers, and U.S. Latino Writers,) The Florida State University
D.E.A. (Postgraduate Diploma) Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France
M.S. Modern Language Education, Florida International University
B.A. French, Florida International University
Areas of Expertise
Research: French Renaissance Poetry, U.S. Latino Literature, Diaspora Studies, Critical Disability Theory
Languages Spoken: English, French, Spanish
Favorite Part of WLC
"As a department, we are always looking for ways to improve our curriculum to make it more relevant. I enjoy our consistent growth and development, our thematically innovative courses, and the curricular flexibility we are able to offer our students."

ABD. Literatures and Cultures (Spanish), Arizona State University
Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) Certificate, Arizona State University
MA. Foreign Languages and Cultures (Spanish), Washington State University
BAcc. Tecnológico Nacional de México Campus Chilpancingo (TecNM) (Formerly ITCH)
Areas of Expertise
Research and interests: Latin American Cinema, Food Studies, Postcolonial Theory, Film Theory, Women and Gender Studies, Chicano Studies, Computer-Assisted Language Learning Pedagogy, Second Language Acquisition.
Languages spoken: Spanish, English
Favorite Part of WLC
My favorite part of WLC is the welcoming environment professors and staff create and the genuine commitment we share in forming culturally competent global citizens. It is amazing to be part of an ongoing effort to make the best learning opportunities and resources available to our language students and the community. Our Language Resource Center located on the Arts and Sciences building (271) is a reflection of our commitment to innovating our practice and creating memorable language classes.

Hedwig (Hedy) Fraunhofer, Ph.D.
Ph.D. Comparative Literature, University of Oregon
M.A. Comparative Literature, University of Oregon
Staatsexamen für das Lehramt an Gymnasien (graduate degree), French Language, Literature and Linguistics; English Language, Literature and Linguistics, Universität Regensburg, Germany
Areas of Expertise
Research and teaching interests: New Materialist/Posthumanist Philosophy, the Climate Crisis/Ecocriticism, Theatre and Performance, Theories and History of Fascism and Sovereignty
Languages Spoken: English, French, German. Reading proficiency: Spanish, Italian
Regional Areas of Expertise: global/cosmic
Favorite Part of WLC
"My favorite course is currently a virtual exchange course (MGLG 4950) on the Climate Crisis that is co-taught (in English) with students and faculty from the University of Jena, Germany and is open not only to WLC majors and minors, but to GC students from all fields. Make new friends and travel to Germany this coming summer from the safety of your laptop!"

Daniel Holcombe, Ph.D.
Ph.D. Spanish Literature, Arizona State University
M.A. Spanish, Arizona State University
B.A. Spanish, University of North Carolina at Asheville
Areas of Expertise
Research: Early Modern Spanish and Contemporary Latin American Literature, Cervantes, Book Illustration, Medical Interpretation and Translation
Languages Spoken: English, Spanish
Regional Areas of Expertise: Transatlantic: Spain, Latin America, and U.S.
Favorite Part of WLC
"My favorite aspect of Georgia College is how the liberal arts focus helps students establish diverse career paths. I particularly enjoy working with students to develop cultural competence and communicative skills."

Graduate Certificate in Translation, Georgia State University
M.A. Spanish Georgia State University
B.A. Spanish and French, Georgia College and State University
Areas of Expertise
Interests: Monastic Writings; Women's Cultural Production; History of Flamenco; Translation Studies; Latin American "Boom" novel
Languages: Spanish and French
Favorite Part of WLC
"The students."

Brantley Nicholson, Ph.D.
Ph.D. Spanish and Latin American Studies, Duke University
Areas of Expertise
Research: Globalization and Cosmopolitanism in Latin America, Theories of Economics and Aesthetics, Pan-American and Hemispheric Narrative
Languages Spoken: English and Spanish
Regional Areas of Expertise: Latin America, specific focus on Colombia and Chile
Favorite Part of WLC
"I am especially interested in taking students abroad and allowing them to apply what we learn in class to real world contexts. This includes job shadowing opportunities and developing their cultural knowledge through excursions and meetings with local guides and scholars."

- Figurative Language Acquisition of Spanish as L2
- Community-based Projects and Service Learning
- Spanish Historical Linguistics
- Semantics and Pragmatics

Emeritus Faculty
Larbi Oukada, Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor of French
- French Phonology
- Methods of teaching second languages
- The notion of curricular responsiveness
Peggy Schaller Elliott, Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor of French
Louis Bourne, Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor of Spanish

Larbi Oukada, Ph.D.
- French Phonology
- Methods of teaching second languages
- The notion of curricular responsiveness

Peggy Schaller Elliott, Ph.D.